School Service On-Demand Providers

School service on-demand providers for 澳门六合彩 are listed below alphabetically by application name and by company name. 

NOTE: 澳门六合彩 will post the names of on-demand providers and their on-demand school services (together with any written response the on-demand providers may submit) and notify the Colorado Department of Education if 澳门六合彩 ceases using or refuses to use the on-demand provider and its school services for: (a) not substantially complying with the on-demand provider’s own privacy policies; (b) selling student personally identifiable information; (c) using or sharing student personally identifiable information for purposes of targeted advertising to students; (d) using student personally identifiable information to create a personal profile of a student other than for supporting purposes authorized by 澳门六合彩 or with the consent of an eligible student or a student’s parent/guardian; or (e) not maintaining a comprehensive information security program that is reasonably designed to protect the security, privacy, confidentiality and integrity of student personally identifiable information with appropriate administrative, technological and physical safeguards.


澳门六合彩 staff members:  If you're seeking contract approval or review of on-demand tool usage in your classroom, please submit this . For more information about the review process, please visit the Request Classroom Use of Online Tools web page (on the Staff website - log in required). 

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School Board