School Service Contract Providers

School service contract providers for 澳门六合彩 are listed below alphabetically by product name and by company name, together with a link to their contract with 澳门六合彩 and a link to their website.

Information regarding the data elements of student personally identifiable information that the school service contract provider collects under the contract, the purpose for which the school service contract provider collects the student personally identifiable information, an explanation of how the school service contract provider uses the student personally identifiable information, and an explanation of how and why the school service contract provider shares the student personally identifiable information, if applicable, may be found in the provider's contract with 澳门六合彩 and/or on the provider's website. In the event of inconsistency or conflict between the provider's contract and the provider's website regarding such information, the contract shall be controlling.


澳门六合彩 staff members:  If you're seeking contract approval or review of on-demand tool usage in your classroom, please contact the  (staff log in required). For more information about the review process, please visit the Request Classroom Use of Online Tools web page (staff log in required). 


If you have difficulty accessing information from the 澳门六合彩 website or would like information in an alternative format, please contact the Communications Department by emailing or by calling 970-490-3549.

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